How PLEXIS’ Maui Mindfulness Retreat is Enhancing my Effectiveness at Customer Care in Tech Support By Michael Meenaghan Six Plexicans recently attended a free, 10-day PLEXIS Mindfulness Retreat held on Maui. All six of us received an enormous range of benefits from the retreat, and I would like to share a little about my experience and how […]
As 2016 marks PLEXIS’ 20th anniversary serving healthcare payers with trusted core administration and claims management solutions, we are proud to support the 20th annual NativeVision Sports and Life Skills camp.
One of the most exciting developments in the business world is the recent focus on the principle of mindfulness in the workplace. Nationally, major developments are taking place at the intersection of technology and health, involving industry giants such as Aetna, Google, Microsoft, and Facebook.